SPISimProxy: AMI with pythoh/perls etc w/o C/C++

SPISimProxy: A generic proxy model for IBIS-AMI development using your favorite scripting language without any C/C++ coding or compilation

Application Scopes:

  • An interface model to work with existing AMI models, your modeling scripts or both for AMI development without any C/C++ coding or .dll/.so compilation.
  • Intercept and expose data being exchanged between simulator/link tool and IBIS-AMI models for debugging or analysis purpose
  • Support IBIS-AMI model development using scripting languages such as matlab, python, perl or others without any C/C++ coding or compilation
  • Additional processing using scripts such as matlab, python etc after outputs from existing IBIS-AMI models (dual mode) to add functions stage by stage
  • Validation or cross correlate different simulator/link tools by providing same AMI model response regardless inputs.

Key Features:

  • Pre-compiled binary to support Win 32, Win 64,  Linux 32 and Linux 64 platforms
  • Free to download, free to use and will not expire.
  • 15 configuration variables set via .ami file, configuration file or environment variables to support customized flow of each AMI operation stage
  • Comprehensive tutorial slides and demo video linked below
  • Support latest IBIS-AMI spec., including AMI_Resolve and AMI_Resolve_Close

Advanced features enabled in licensed model:

  • Support all features in unlicensed model (including dual mode), plus:
  • Embedded Python interpreter within the pre-built cross platform .dll/.so. Model user does NOT need to install python interpreter. [Info] All self contained!
  • Support numpy, scipy etc package to be used in the python AMI script
  • Enhanced performance by python direct call for data exchange, no file based IO
  • Support encryption. SPISimProxy can encrypted your script for distribution. They will be decrypted on the fly during model run.
  • Various licensing models available: developer, per-model or unlimited annual licensing
  • Take at look at the example python template [HERE]. Fill in your processing!

Watch the demo video below then download to give it a try.

Overview slides: View externally [HERE]

Video demo [w/ audio, runs ~ 44 min, can skip to topics]: View externally [HERE] 

[Note: In the video, we also demonstrate how a matlab script is used for AMI_Init modeling w/ SPISimProxy]


Visit download page [HERE]

System requirements:

Windows 32, Windows 64, Linux 32 and Linux 64